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Applying Leadership Theory to Practice in a Complex Environment
With a setting that many people counted out, the opportunity to show the impact of leadership on the lives of countless people was a vital step to take. In this video, you will learn how we applied different leadership theories to practice and the outcomes that we experiences. With the countless obstacles we faced, we found that effective leadership, can elevate organizations to new heights and bring synergy to the work. Click the video and watch now.
Authored Articles
Shaun Nelms has authored a multitude of articles. Here you find a few that shares findings on the impact of leadership in a variety of settings.
4 ways to improve urban school attendance: Engaging environments, personal contact with families, systems, and logistics make the difference.
Getting kids to show up at school is an age-old problem. A recent report by the U.S. Department of Education notes that about 6 million students (1 out of 7) miss at least 15 days during the school year, increasing their likelihood of lower achievement and dropping out.
Students of color and those living in poverty—overrepresented in these figures—often attend urban schools, such as East Upper School and East Lower School in Rochester, New York, where we do our work.
Marsh, V. L., & Nelms, S. (2019, January). 4 ways to improve urban school attendance: Engaging environments, personal contact with families, systems, and logistics make the difference. District Administration.
Student voice: The heart of school transformation at East High.
Young people, increasingly, are leading protests and engaging in advocacy for their generation and their communities. Think of the March for Our Lives, organized by students who survived the Parkland school shooting, or Greta Thunberg, the 16-year-old climate activist who started a worldwide movement to demand policy change (and was named Time’s 2019 Person of the Year). On
the world stage, youth are using their voices to effect change. Shouldn’t we also listen to them in our schools?
Marsh, V. L., & Nelms, S. (2020, March). Student voice: The heart of school transformation at East High. Educational Leadership.
Partners in Fighting Cyberbullying: How a university-school collaboration is reshaping school climate and strengthening relationships.
Steady increases in both teen suicides and school shootings have heightened public concern about cyberbullying. Providing a cover of anonymity for bullies, cyberbullying favors digital spaces where young people spend their time — Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook and texting communication.
Lately, this type of bullying has confounded parents and educators, who have grown fearful for students’ emotional health and safety.
Marsh, V. L., & Nelms, S. (May, 2020). Partners in Fighting Cyberbullying: How a university-school collaboration is reshaping school climate and strengthening relationships. School Administrator.
Collaborating for equity: Comprehensive school reform in an innovative University/school partnership
Using data from a participatory ethnography of an urban high school slated for closure, this article examines the impact of comprehensive transformation on the university-school partnership’s goal to change from a culture of underachievement and negativity toward a culture of collaboration and excellence. We explore these question/s: How do comprehensive changes in infrastructure, policies, leadership, and instructional practices shape school culture? What role do shifting power relations (generative frictions) and authentic trust play in developing shared ownership of outcomes? We argue generative frictions produced changes in culture that impacted changes in outcomes.
Larson, J. & Nelms, S. (2021, June). Collaborating for equity: Comprehensive school reform in an innovative University/school partnership. Journal of School Leadership.
Hear Something Good
Voices for Excellence
Podcast Title: Can Higher-Education become future-driven to Support Generation Z and Generation Alpha in the AC-stage of education.
Dr. Shaun Nelms is the Vice President of Community Partnerships at the University of Rochester. One of his notable achievements was creating an implementing a school transformation model for the lowest performing school in the lowest performing district in New York State.
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